Friday January 31, 2025
- 7:30 pm Capitol Theatre
Hosted by Nikki Payne, the HubCap Comedy Festival will welcome back some of our favorite comedians from the past 25 years. Join us for this reunion of class clowns that includes Mike Wilmot, Laurie Elliot, Nathan MacIntosh, Big Daddy Tazz, Dylan Mandlsohn, and Elvira Kurt!
Nikki Payne Mike WilmotLaurie ElliotNathan MacIntoshBig Daddy TazzDylan MandlsohnElvira Kurt - ADMISSION: $ 46.95 + HST & SERVICE FEES
Nikki Payne
Nikki Payne is not good at writing in the third person. However, for this bio, she is willing to try. You might remember her from Much Music’s “Video on Trial” or NBC’s “Last Comic Standing” before she ran into the wilds of New Brunswick to live with the woodland critters. After being bitten multiple times and covered in ticks she has re-emerged. Her love of comedy could not be suppressed but mostly, her bathroom needs a reno. Payne’s material is filled with piss, vinegar, and bad words. Her brand new hour of comedy from her album Performative, is filled with stories she should be telling a therapist about. As the old saying goes, “Tragedy plus time equals a renovated bathroom!” Mental health, growing up poor with one boob, and family gun fights are just some the topics Payne covers. If you’re easily offended, probably gonna want to skip this one. Since you can’t swing a dead cat without hitting someone’s podcast, check out “RX with Nikki and Mandy” wherever podcasts are hatched. This Holiday season you can also look out for her new Christmas album wherever comedy albums are hatched. Currently, you can find Nikki Payne at Mount Allison University pursuing a Bachelor of Fine Arts at a snail’s pace.